SBM server not running message popping up after fixed …
SBM server not running message popping up after fixed span of time on ... ... Loading. ×
Đọc thêmEXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception on Termination of EJB server …
An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM. Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) occurred at PC=0x7D63617F Function=RtlQueueWor
Đọc thêmAdapter suspended due to JMS Exception
The exception occured because the messaging engine the Savvion Bizlogic app is trying to connect to was quiesced (was shutting down) [2/18/12 1:13:16:827 EST] 00000037 SibMessage I [:] CWSIV0785I: The messaging engine SBMEJBCLUSTER.002-sbmbus on bus sbmbus is quiescing.
Đọc thêmSQL Server Exceptions in EJB Server when redeploying / …
18:05:29,421 ERROR [] (Thread-13 (HornetQ-client-global-threads-29420599)) JBAS014134: EJB Invocation failed on component ServiceBean …
Đọc thêmBizlogic client connections suspended error upon trying to …
Product: Savvion Version: 7.x.x OS: Any Application Server: Any Database: Any Browser: Any Question/Problem Description All the SBM servers start correctly, however invalid user/pass message is shown when trying to login to BPM Portal.
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Đọc thêm[aspectj-dev] Using aspectj configuration file (aop.xml)
Hi, I want to achieve following testcase: Include server package & subpackages; exclude svo subpackage but include SVOFactory class in svo package for loadtime weaving. Part of my aop.xml file is as below.